Sometimes in life ... a ghost from the past appears ... and does not want to leave reality ... but i keep wondering why.

Then ... i suddenly remember about karma ... and that even if i knew why the ghost appeared ... i needed to understand the lesson so that it to disappear.  … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

One of the meanings of life is to see the abstract behind the illusion of being into this world.

We have a limited time in here … but we act as we are immortals … not realizing that we can’t delay forever … understanding the lessons of life.

And sometimes … karma is playing around with us … letting us believe that even if we did not respected the laws of the Universe, the episode ended … nothing happened … and we can continue life without paying any price for our negative actions.

Time is passing … and indeed nothings happens … for a while.

We totally forget the past … but one day … someone appears and remembers us about that story from our past.

For a second … we even stop breathing.

We can’t believe it!

The ghost of the past … appeared in the present moment … and there is nothing you can do about it … to make it disappear.

You can’t sleep in the night anymore.

You can’t think and focus on anything else.

Totally overwhelmed of emotions … life becomes a … nightmare.

There is no one … that can help you get rid of this damm ghost … or maybe the lesson itself is to help yourself … by understanding the mistakes from your past … and applying the change in your curent actions.

In a moment of awakening, even if you are still dominated by contradictory emotions … you realize what karma means … but still can’t find the real path for ending the story forever.

But … you see … the Universe loves us … all of us.

Karma is not a judge … but a teacher … that wants to teach us those universal laws that we should keep in mind when we act on the scene of life.

But what are those laws?!

When can we read about them?!

In the Bible?!

In the motivational books?!

Should we go to a priest or a guru … to ask for guidance?!

Well … is even more simple than you believe.

You don’t need anyone to come and tell you about those laws.

All you need to do is to close your eyes … and ask yourself if you would be on the opposite side …. the one that feels the impact of your actions … you would like what you see, but also feel?!

If the answer is no … continue analyzing and defining the situation … and then ask yourself why something that you forgot about … appeared again in the present moment as an unsolved problem.

What is the message?!

In fact … what is the lesson?!

Maybe at that time … you was blind and no one could tell you about the laws of the Universe, but now karma … or should i say the ghost … believes you are ready to see everything from a totally different perspective.

And all is happening … even if it looks as an ugly story … is guiding you to have the exam again.

What would you change today?!

Let’s say you’ve been stolen 1 dollar from someone … and then you used that dollar to generate another 100 dollars.

So actually that dollar helped you to make those 100 dollars … and was a lucky dollar for you.

The Universe allowed you to get that dollar … but what is wrong in this situation.

Well … first of all stealing is not ok … we all know it … and when i say “one dollar” … i said it in a symbolic way.

Maybe the ghost of the past wants you to return that one

dollar … and is not necessary to return it to the person that you get it from.

All it’s important is just to return it in the … Universe.

You have 100 dollars now … and 1 dollar … we must be payed back.

So … you still remain with 99 dollars in your pocket … which is quite ok.

You can simple return the dollar … by coming with a gift or a favor to someone from the timeline of your life.

The meaning of the ghost becomes … the entity that reminds you the fact … that it’s the perfect time for returning that something that did not belonged to you, but … helped you a lot in the past.

So what the ghost is asking … is nothing.

There are plenty of other persons around you … that could use that dollar to make, same as you … the 100 dollars you’ve made on your start.

Keep in mind … that when i say 1 dollar … it could actually mean 1000 dollars … or even 1 million dollars … but my main message is that there’s comes a time … when we need to return that something that was in fact not ours.

The ghost … this thing called karma … is not your enemy … but indeed will be annoying and hard to get rid of it … unless you understand the message.

The sample i gave to you … it’s just simple scenario … and when it comes about karma … the story will always be weird and complicated to end … but pay attention …. analyze … define …. and then redefine the whole script.

Download the book ”The dance of our emotions is a … nonsense … but a main part of our lives” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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