Replying is an option .... not a must … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I had so many argues in my life that i could write a book about it.

Maybe 7–800 pages … or even more.

But i am sure it will not be a best seller, cause most of us did that so many times that we should be defined as experts in arguing.

Unfortunately … i can’t write yet a book about how arguing can be avoid, cause that should become a very read book for the ones that are having this problem.

I have moments when i explore my past and i analyze and define what was going on with me …. and i smile … then i laugh.

I see how i over reacted all the times i argued with people … but i also understand that actually all those silly times were moments when i lost the control on myself.

I was not connected anymore me with myself and i actually saw that weak side of myself dominated by the a stupid Ego.

I could avoid 99% of the argues i had, just by smiling and replying … “It’s just a beautiful day! Don’t you think so?! Let’s enjoy it … and also the life itself!”

But i let the Ego speak for myself … actually letting him

prove useless things and situations.

Replying was just an option … but … being blind … i always thought that it was … a must.

Today … after exploring all those situations, trying to understand myself … i should totally redefine my way of acting on the stage of life.

I would ask myself to smile in front of any illusory situation that is provoking argues and be a better self that knows to reply in a beautiful way to any ugly word came from anyone i meet on the timeline of my life.

So … the plan itself is simple … and i wonder myself if i will succeed to do it … but i still hope i will follow a path of a beautiful change that will take me to an harmonious life.

Sounds like an utopian concept, yeah?!

Well … at least i have a plan and i want to start it.

Download the book ”Exploring ourselves … we will understand what life is about” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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